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Overview: Protegra helps organizations achieve higher levels of performance with Business Performance Consulting, Software Development and Evolution, and Professional Services. Protegra works with clients in Canada, United States, Europe, and Asia.
Karen has done an extensive amount of work for Protegra.
Click on any example for larger view and slideshow.
Protegra 2015 8.5 x 11 Brochure
Protegra 2015 Case Study 8.5 x 11 Sheet
Protegra 2015 Corporate Profile 8.5 x 11 Sheet
Correlate Human Services 8.5 x 11 Brochure
Correlate 2013 8.5 x 11 Brochure
Protegra 2015 33 x 82 Banner
Protegra 2014 33 x 82.5 Banner